I've been reading up on power supplies for Arduinos installed in vehicles, and apparently cutting the power is bad in several ways.
So, I've borrowed the work of several others who were gracious enough to post their work online, and re-designed a printed circuit board that will provide enough power after the key is turned off to let the Arduino and 4D display power down gracefully. The basic design I believe is from the "Practical Arduino" book, but "Sanja" was kind enough to make it available as a project and download for Fritzing here. I did a lot of trace re-routing and fitting for my purposes, and version 0.1x is re-designed to my satisfaction in Fritzing and ready for manufacture.
So, I've borrowed the work of several others who were gracious enough to post their work online, and re-designed a printed circuit board that will provide enough power after the key is turned off to let the Arduino and 4D display power down gracefully. The basic design I believe is from the "Practical Arduino" book, but "Sanja" was kind enough to make it available as a project and download for Fritzing here. I did a lot of trace re-routing and fitting for my purposes, and version 0.1x is re-designed to my satisfaction in Fritzing and ready for manufacture.